АНАПА, 12 янв — РИА Новости. Хуже всего ситуация с разливом мазута в районе порта Тамань в Краснодарском крае, где потерпели крушение танкеры, заявил глава МЧС Александр Куренков на совещании в Анапе.
The main conceptual idea is that the user is encountering an error (429 "Too Many Requests") on the VK service due to excessive requests from their browser.
The text further suggests several potential reasons for this error:
* Using HTTP instead of HTTPS.
* Cookies being disabled.
* The page not receiving all necessary data.
The user is advised to contact VK support for assistance.
The main conceptual idea is that the user is encountering an error (429 "Too Many Requests") on the VK service due to excessive requests from their browser. The text further suggests several potential reasons for this error: * Using HTTP instead of HTTPS. * Cookies being disabled. * The page not receiving all necessary data. The user is advised to contact VK support for assistance.